12 Final touches | Outlines Art Materials

Final Touches and Conclusion

The painting got a pasting – Final Touches turned out to be a complete ‘makeover’. The weather and atmosphere changed, even the time of day switched.

Notes and Transcript are below the video

Video – 9 minutes 26 secs

Meet the Artist Who Made This Demonstration Series

Christina's email seriesHello, I’m Christina Bonnett.
I am an artist who paints in several different media.

When I meet people looking for a simple way to start painting,
or people who find they don’t have as much time as they would like for painting, I recommend Acrylics, for their versatility and speed.
You can get some Outlines Paints here (opens in new window)

From Christina

First of all, I want to Thank you for following this demonstration.

I have made a page listing all the videos in this series so that you can watch them at your own convenience.
Read them here and watch the videos, when you have time.
If you found this series arrived a bit fast and furious
Don’t worry, emails from now on will be much less frequent!

I changed the painting one morning after studying it intently, wondering how to carry on.
There, I did say I keep changing my mind, didn’t I?
If I didn’t, I certainly thought it.

I wonder whether any of you had a go, following along. If you did, what do you think of your painting?
Delighted? Horrified? Somewhere in-between?

I know many of you are established artists,  but I hope you enjoy seeing how other people work.
I know I do.

Acrylics can be used for so many styles of painting, I couldn’t hope to cover everything by showing the birth of one painting. I hope the videos contain some points that might be helpful to a new acrylic user.

Well, a longer video – Over Nine minutes – and how I ramble on!
I usually paint alone, entering another state of mind where the thought is not in words at all.

It’s quite a revelation, writing the transcript. So much going through my head and only half of it coming out as words. I’m sorry it’s so stilted.
Sometimes I can’t make out what I was saying, let alone remember what I was thinking.

You can try reading the transcript – it might help to understand what I’m saying – there again, it might not.


Transcript of this video

Final Touches

The whole thing’s kinda looking a bit lary for me.
So, I’m going to take the whole things Right down a bit.

And so – er – I’ve got some yellow handy.
You can move on to other colours but I’m just going to – now that it’s sort of got this pallete,
I’m going to stick with red, and I’ve got some yellow.
Perhaps a bit of that red – blip – Don’t need much.

You can see I’m not used to giving demos.
(laughs) I’m just painting away, without thinking about what to say about it.
But, an experience for you, and for me.

You’re not going to be giving demos, your just going to be playing around and doing what your doing,
(apologies for the assumption!)
so, Here we go, let’s just take the whole thing right down.

That’s a bit – where’s that rag handy?
Hm, I got rid of it – Woh!

Don’t want much of that – taking it down a step, ‘n back up again, in places.
See, it’s coming…

BITS, coming through – Quite nice to do this.

You can always go back, and do it again.
Or you can always do something else, on it.
It’ll act differently each time because,
You’ve got more layers, and it’s, um,
getting different textures all the time that you’re painting on top.

Not going to take it all back down, I just need to get some distance in some places.

I like that green coming through so, rub that quite hard.
And that angle’s a bit funny,
(mumbling to myself)
See what’s happening there? I’ve got pink, still in the brush, that pinky colour.
Same here…

And let’s just bring that highlight back up again.
Whoops, not quite so much as that!
Perhaps just – just not like that either! Oh!

Let’s just-a, huh – get the colour first. More haste less speed.

Ah now, I’m getting a little touch of – put back some of that texture, and colour.

Bugs now, just a little, there.

Well I could go, catching the tops there, a tiny bit.

I’m going to take that mucky colour Right accross the sky
On top of ? that calm.
(I have no idea what I said there!)

I think the whole thing, much more hazy.

Can you see how I’m kind’a using the brush to Scrape it all?

And getting… that, soft colour coming in there.

It’s very easy to go a little bit too much,
There, let’s just have a soft, hazy evening shall we, with a little bit of cloud, coming through.

Yeah, and that hill is nice and hazy, and so’s that one.
Perhaps a bit of shadow in that hill there.
Coming under these trees here.

And – See how it’s going a bit more…
And, when you first put a colour on, it’s really very bright.
It kind of, ends up a little bit darker in the end.

Here at the front let’s have a few bits of detail to excite the eye.

This is where you have to watch out for your brush, ’cause just it gets all nice and um,
little stiff bits, that you can do things with, like squish him, and get little textures…

That’s about when you got to try and remember to clean it as well!
‘Cause it means it’s starting to go a bit Dry.

So, you might want to keeps some brushes that you don’t mind letting go manky like that,
’cause then you just pick them up and use them as the nasty stiff brush every time which,
When I say ‘nasty stiff brush’, I actually quite like a nasty stiff brush.
Because you can do different things with it.

So don’t throw away brushes that you do wreck. You might find that you can use them like that one that I used earlier.

What have we got under here? I just need that to come down and then back up again.
I’m going to have to bring that up again, aren’t I.

Just to show you what you can do.
But you see how you can keep growing it, you don’t have to, don’t have to get it right first time.
You can keep re-playing with it.

What have we got down here – we’ve got some blue-grass – that’s music.
Let’s turn it into a painting, and not quite so blue.
But let it stay quite pale.

I’m using my dirty brush still – notice, notice.

Let’s have a little haze down here, a little light haze.

Now we get the feeling of being able to come round the corner a bit.
It’s like we’ve come across this ridiculously bright field.

Perhaps it needs to – a little bit more… It doesn’t need to, but it can.

Very dry brush, can you see that? I’m just picking up what’s already there and using (it on) the canvas.