2 Art Supplies | Outlines Art Materials

Painting Materials and tools for our project.

As I demonstrate painting a landscape in a loosely abstract style, you might want to follow along.

Art Supplies

The painting style of the demonstration is easily adapted to any shape or size; mine is almost square and quite small.

This is what I used:

Stretched canvas 33 x 30cm (13 x 11¾ inches)
Soft round brush, about size 8 or 10
Two flat hog hair brushes,
sizes: 1 x short hair – 20mm (3/4 inch) 1 x long hair – 15mm (5/8 inch)
A soft flat brush with synthetic bristles, size 37mm (1½ inch)
A palette-knife for mixing
Outlines Acrylic paints.

I used a plain paper pad as a palette.
Two glass jars for water were set out, one quite full and the other only 4cm or so deep,
and some kitchen tissue.

Outlines Art has a useful art supplies guide for beginners that tells you all about alternatives and substitutes you can use.
To read the guide and download the checklist:

Click Here –>> https://outlinesart.com/articles/guide-art-supplies-for-beginners-what-to-buy/

Next time I will show you the first step:
Painting a plain colour background.